What is ClubPower?

Dear Members,

Your Committee is very excited to announce that we are now a “Switch CLUBPOWER” (SWITCH CLUBPOWER) Programme Partner.

Developed in partnership with Tennis Auckland and a New Zealand owned and operated Electricity Provider called Switch Utilities, Switch CLUBPOWER aims to leverage off the collective buying power of the tennis community to give everyone a fairer price on electricity, and provide a sustainable source of funding for our Club.

What is it?

Basically it is a way for both our Club and our members to collectively save money on our power bills, and then for the Club to earn a further rebate per member that joins the programme to invest in improving the Clubs’ facilities.

The Rebate

For every person that also changes their account to Switch CLUBPOWER and nominates our Club, we’ll receive a rebate. This is not limited to members of our Club and is available for business and households alike. If you discuss this with your friends, work colleagues, or employer and get them to change to Switch CLUBPOWER this will generate additional funding for our club.


How much can we collectively save?

  • The average saving reported by CLUBPOWER is $284.00 per year (9.7%). I have changed my home account over to Switch CLUBPOWER and will save over $XXX.XX per year.
  • You’ll still receive your AECT Dividend (the $330 cheque you receive each year).
  • For every residential account that joins up with Switch CLUBPOWER and nominates our Club, Switch CLUBPOWER will send us a $40 - $50 rebate every year they are a customer.
  • For every business customer that joins up the Club will receive a rebate of $100 every year.

That’s exciting.

All money that we receive will not go towards the day-to-day operation of the Club but instead be held separately to re-invest in specific projects that will benefit the Club and our members. (Happy to receive suggestions!)

How to join?

Joining is VERY simple:

1. Click on this link and follow the prompts, it will take less than 2 minutes to fill in the registration form.


2. Give them a call when you have a bill handy or

3. Email them a copy of your bill (front page and back) to . The

team at Switch CLUBPOWER will call you to confirm and provide you with a quote detailing how

much you will save by switching to them.

4. That’s it! They take care of all the work.

What’s the Catch?

No catch!

Nothing changes to your power supply; that’s all still handled by Vector, so if you get a fault or black out it is still fixed by the same company.

You will still get your AECT dividend (the $330.00 cheque you receive each year).

No joining fees or hidden costs.

All that Switch CLUBPOWER asks is that you stick with them for at least 12 months.

If you do get approached by another company with a better price, give them a chance to match it and if they can’t you’ll be free to leave without having to pay the $100 early cancellation fee.

We have been appointed two Switch CLUBPOWER Ambassadors - Shanelle Balchin and Jonathan Veen. They’ll be giving everyone a quick follow up call shortly to answer any questions and go over the pricing which can be a little confusing. Feel free to contact them sooner on 0800 SWITCH and make sure to let them know if you’d like specific pricing for a business. You can also send them a copy of one of your bills (front page and back) and they’ll reply to you with an estimated savings.

Email bills to: ’ | Fax bills to: 09 489 2072

We urge you to get behind the programme, take advantage of these savings, and support our club!